Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another broken nail

Today was a busy day for the little worker bees at Port Tobacco. First, a feature was excavated in order to better understand what is going on in the units as a whole. Magen and Carol water screened the contents to see what small artifacts could be recovered. The artifacts found included glass and ceramic. Our current interpretation of the feature is that it is an intrusion into the sandy area we are seeing, making it a possible storage pit or other pit that was placed there purposfully

After the feature was mostly done, Magen led an expodition to the other end of the field to open new units to look for the Indian King Hotel. Allison and Katharine stayed behind, trying to interpret the stratigraphy with Dr. Beisaw in the units we have been working on. We believe that we may be seeing a floor or some sort of living surface in the form of a sand bar that runs through the units.

And in other news, Dr. Beisaw broke another nail, making two this week. Tomorrow we will be working on the Indian King Hotel units, hopefully finding a foundation. Jim will be coming out tomorrow and giving a ceramics workshop for the interns.

We would like to thank our volunteers for coming out to help us and for everyone who came out to see us, including Chief Red Wing Tayac.

Allison and Magen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What did the ceramics look like? What did the floor look like that Dr. Beesaw was looking at and the interns were looking at?