Saturday, May 24, 2008
Archaeological Society
Today, the board of the Archeological Society of Maryland accepted our petition to be a chapter in the Society.
Also at the board meeting I learned that we have quite a few people registered to participate in the field session at Port Tobacco, June 13 through 23. As I recall, there are between nine and twenty-one registrants for each of those 11 days.
To prepare, we could use a few things...just loans:
(1) Microwave, hotplate, outdoor grill and any other camp-type cooking equipment.
(2) Ice chests.
(3) Some sturdy chairs and tables for use in the Burch House.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Pluggin Away
How large is a 40-acre field? Look at the picture. That shows one third of it, and it isn't even the part with most of the artifacts. I took the picture this past weekend (hence the gloomy sky). The corn is only a few inches high and I have both witnessed and performed some remarkable pirouettes and other dance moves to avoid stomping on a corn plant.
Pete, Elsie and me continued with flagging, mapping, and collecting. We continue to better define the early 18th-century site while identifying and identifying new aboriginal sites, primarily dating to the Late Archaic period.
I anticipate another two days in the field and another two days cataloguing. Artifact washing is up to date.
We should return the middle of next week...we have some other projects over the weekend.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
North Field Completed
Fears that I had for all of the fields came true for the south half of the north field: the same gravelly deposits that cover much of Port Tobacco appear to have covered this portion of the north field. Surface collecting the plowed soils, therefore, probably has not given us a true representation of what lies below. We found scatters of brick and some wine bottle glass indicative of a relatively early site, but the objects do not cluster. I suspect that the plow barely touched the buried deposits. Perhaps in the future we can go back and employ the same close-interval shovel testing strategy that we used throughout Port Tobacco.
Tomorrow we go back to the south field. It could take us two days to finish.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
First Clear Glimpse of Chandler's Town
In the southernmost field, as we have been discussing over the past week or so, the field crew found a well-defined historic period site. Many pieces of Buckley ware, Rhenish Blue & Gray Stoneware, wine bottle glass, and Staffordshire Combed Slipware, coupled with just the odd piece or two of White Salt-Glazed Stoneware and one of Creamware, put the site squarely in the first half of the 18th century.
We also collected 31 clay tobacco pipestem fragments that were sufficiently intact to allow me to measure the bore size (the diameter of the hole through which the smoker drew smoke from the pipe bowl). For about half a century archaeologists have been aware that the diameter of that hole diminished from the 17th through early 18th centuries, a necessary accommodation to the increased length of pipes. Jean Harrington was the first to have quantified this trend and Lewis Binford developed a statistical formula (not unlike that with which the Internal Revenue Service calculates depreciation) with which to generate mean dates. These dates, while they do not indicate the range of occupation, identify a central date...the middle of the site's occupation. Binford's formula was in large measure supplanted by Lee Hanson's in 1971. Hanson chopped up Binford's formula into several formulas covering shorter periods.
Using Binford's formula, the pipestems produced a mean date of 1723. Hanson's yielded a date of 1712. Both dates are earlier than the 1727 act of the General Assembly that established the Charles County seat of Charles Town (colloquially and, later officially, Port Tobacco).
It would be inaccurate to say that we found Chandler's Town this past week. In all likelihood, we have been finding manifestations of it since the project started last summer; but the large amount of later material elsewhere has masked the earlier occupation. It is fair to say, I think, that we have caught the first clear glimpse of one part of Chandler's Town.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The above is an English mallet and dates from about 1720 to 1750. Certainly, we are finding pieces of this style.
This pictures shows the pontil or base portion. These bottles were all hand blown with a tube attached to the base while the glass was still molten. Once formed, the tube was broken off and the scar left behind was sometimes sanded smooth. Earlier onion style bottles were not smoth and left a jagged pontil scar. Yes, they can still cut you!

Just prior to the American Revolution, bottles began to take on a more cylindrical appearance like the one shown above. This style was prominent until just prior to the Civil War.
After about 1900, bottles were machine made and most were made from colorless glass. These are easily recognized by the seam running up the side all the way to the top of the bottle.
Perhaps we can find some of these bottles intact if we find ourselves excavating a cellar this summer. It's always exciting to find any artifact intact!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Lab Update

Way back in January I did a blog entry on Buckley ware. Here is a little refresher for you.
The Buckley ware is a lead glazed ware made of mixed red and yellow/white clay from the northwest region of England mainly near Wales and of course Buckley. The use of two clays tends to be more obvious on utilitarian pieces than on tablewares, which are more finely and completely mixed. The two different colored clays tend to give the paste a purplish look with swirling seen in the cross section. The Buckley wares are usually undecorated with a dark brown or black lead glaze. Some ribbing from manufacture can be seen on the exterior of the vessels. A red slip can usually be seen under the glaze. Most of the large utilitarian vessels also had very thick rims.

Sunday, May 18, 2008
More on Saturday's Finds
We also found more Late Archaic material mixed on with the colonial artifacts and several aboriginal pottery sherds and stone flakes farther east.
I expect we will return on Wednesday.
Stay tuned.