Friday, July 3, 2009

Interns at Work

Since the interns should be waking up from the days of rest they promised themselves after returning home, today I present you with some images of the hard working Heidelberg trio.

Since tomorrow is a weekend, check back then for some less-than-serious-work shots.

Allison drawing the very corner of the blacksmith shop that we excavated eight 5 by 5 foot units in search of.

Allsion and Magen opening a new unit in search of that blacksmith shop. If only we knew then what we know now.

In the foreground, Allison and Carol screening at one of the first units in search of the blacksmith shop. In the background, Katharine and Elsie listening to one of Pete's plans of how much fun he was going to have on his vacation in South Dakota.

Allison helping clean ticks off of chigger-girl (aka Katharine) while Magen supervises. If there is a bug nearby it will find Katharine.

Magen running the flotation tank and sporting her school pride.

Katharine, Jim, and Steve clean up a foundation on the last day of fieldwork.

Katharine demonstrating her troweling skills.

Magen demonstrating her paperwork skills.

Magen demonstrating her trust of Pete's shoveling skills.

Katharine taking out a strat in the rubble feature of the Native American area during the ASM field session.

Thanks again to the interns for al their hard work and for putting up with me 24 hours a day for 5 weeks. Thanks to Heidelberg University for their support of the project and for the use of a university vehicle.


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