Monday, December 8, 2008

ASM Field Session

April and I have begun planning the ASM's Tyler Bastian Annual Field Session in Archeology. The dates are May 15 through 25, 2009. Some fieldwork, however, will begin before the field session to prepare target areas. also, we will be organizing two or three workshops that will occur before, as well as during the field session. These will occur on one or more Saturdays. Although aimed at candidates in ASM's Certified Archeological Technician (CAT) program, these workshops are open to all ASM members and to non-members. Seating, however, is limited and preference will be given, in descending order of priority, to CAT candidates, ASM members, and then non-members. We will post workshop dates as soon as they have been selected and venues reserved.

We hope to offer workshops in those areas that will benefit field session participants for the duration of their stay at the field session and that are difficult to conduct efficiently during the field session. At this point, historic pottery, soils description, and aboriginal artifacts are the main contenders for the weeks leading up to field session.


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