Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Small 18th-Century Site Defined

Some days ago I reported that we had found another, smaller 18th-century site in the southernmost field, just north of Warehouse Point. Today Pete and I completed the mapping and collection of that part of the field. The site appears to be small and confined to the top of a small rise. There weren't many historic period artifacts, but they all date to the 18th century and, probably, to the early 18th century: Staffordshire Combed Slipware, Buckley earthenware, tin-glazed earthenware, wine bottle glass, and a few tobacco pipe fragments. No White Salt-Glazed Stoneware or Creamware. I think we have another site that was part of Chandler's Town. It might even be a servant or slave quarter associated with the larger site just 200 ft or so to the east.

Of course, we have found a great deal of prehistoric material as well, including many of the same projectile point styles and a sherd or two of aboriginal pottery.

We expect to return to the field and finish this Friday. We'll then spend the next week or two drafting maps, cataloguing and report writing. We have a couple of other projects that are ahead in the queue, but we should finish them quickly enough.


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